Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Flow Chart and Concept

I have finally landed the concept of my website. The general idea is to have four very different characters and convey their identity based on the lyrics of certain songs. The reason for this is that i believe that our ideas and thoughts about life define our identity, who we are. The way we view life is reflected on our actions, interaction with others and just everything we say or do; and since music is a way of expression, i think that our identities can be revealed through the music we choose to listen or produce.

The home page will have a box with an introduction to every character put it will be cut off with ellipsis so as to leave the viewer wanting to know more about that character. This will change to each and every character everytime the viewer clicks back on home. The main characters and the song that will described are:
1) The "Free Minded/free spirited"- Imagine by John Lennon
2) The "Materialistic girl"- Glamorous by Fergie
3) The ''Leader"- Revolution by The Beatles
4) The "Careless"- Wild Side by Motley Crue

As you can see in the flow chart within each character's main page you will be able to learn more about each. Some of the things that will be said about each character are things like their hobbies, most valuable person, what they do or wish to do.. this will vary from character to character. And these will be said through images as well as short texts. If its possible i would like to have the videos of each character's songs displayed.

Visually, i'm still not sure what the look is going to be like but im thinking of a combination of photographic elements, drawings and textures. Here is an example:

1 comment:

  1. Please don't get literal with your interpretation of ID.. "like their hobbies, most valuable person, what they do or wish to do" is too obvious. Becomes a list of attributes of a type of person rather than true identity. I do like your grphics in the sample you posted. Combining drawing, textiles and the hand made (scanned?) will do much more in expressing identity than a basic list... 6.5/10
